CMS Policies

Allergies-Food and Seasonal
If a child has any known food allergies, Countryside must have written documentation from the pediatrician/allergist listing the food allergies along with the Action Plan and any prescribed medications stated on the Action Plan.

If a child has been diagnosed as having seasonal allergies, asthma or other illness that requires an inhaler or nebulizer treatments, Countryside must have written documentation from the pediatrician/allergist/pulmonologist stating the reason for the treatment along with the Action Plan and any prescribed medications stated on the Action Plan.

If a child requires an inhaler OR Epi Pen one must be left at Countryside at all times. If the inhaler or Epi Pen is expired parents will be notified and must replace as soon as possible.

If a child has an allergic reaction and the Action Plan states to administer the Epi Pen, the staff will administer the Epi Pen, call 911 and then contact the parent.

Arrival/Departure Policy
Upon arrival, teachers will do a quick head to toe check and note any bruises, scrapes or abrasions on the child. Please make sure you visibly see a staff member before leaving your child in the classroom. Staff-Parent interaction is very important!

Upper Drive Parking: Please make sure you hold your child’s hand when walking to and from the building so that they do not unexpectedly dart out in front of a moving vehicle. Please do not leave your vehicle running unless there is an adult inside the vehicle.

Lower Parking Area: Please be careful as you drive to the lower parking area. Please be cautious of children and adults in the parking area and always watch for unattended children. We recommend that parents hold their child’s hand when walking in the parking lot area at all times. For the safety of the children, the gates are closed to the lower parking area between 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. (gates will be open briefly for afternoon pick up from 3:10-3:40)

Infant/One Year Old and Mom’s Day Out/Toddler Parents: Please use upper drive parking area. Please knock LOUDLY on the door and a teacher will greet you and your child. Please say your good-byes and a teacher will help your child put their belongings away wash their hands.

Preschool/Kindergarten Parents: Please park in the lower parking lot. If the gates are already closed when you arrive, please park in the front and walk through the front porch to get to the lower drive. Please be courteous when dropping off and picking up your child on the lower drive. If you need to go into the classroom, please park your car in a parking space. Please be cautious during arrival and departure so that we may keep all of our families safe. If your child’s classroom is on the playground at the end of the day, please be careful in the parking lot area and hold your child’s hand when walking from the playground area. If your child has a disability and has specific needs during arrival and departure, please express these needs to the staff so that we may appropriately accommodate your child.

Please knock on the door and a teacher will let your child in the room. We try to encourage independence with the children, please remind your child to wash their hands after hanging up their coat and backpack.

Children are only released to parents unless staff have received written approval that another caregiver will be picking up. Release of children to someone other than a parent or guardian (e.g., grandmother, aunt, neighbor), court ordered custody arrangements must have written approval which can be through the Brightwheel app, email or a physical note. Children will never be release to adults appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances.

Countryside uses the Ages and Stages Developmental Screening Tool to evaluate a child’s development from one month to 5 ½ years of age. Highly reliable and valid, Ages and Stages looks at communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social, plus self-regulation, compliance, language, adaptive behaviors, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people. Children are screened within the first 3 months of admission and then again, every 6 months. After your child’s age-appropriate screening a brief conference will be set with the teacher in order to discuss the screening results. There are also times that we will need parent input in order to complete the assessment. If you are asked to complete part of the assessment at home, please try to return the assessment as quickly as possible. Only staff who are familiar with your child will complete your child’s assessments or developmental screenings. Classroom staff will use the screening and evaluation results when creating the lesson plan for the individual child or class. The director will use results to improve the program as a whole. Families are always welcome to ask questions about our assessment process to ensure we are meeting the needs of their child. Teachers are trained by the director or a mentoring teacher on how to perform assessments.

Behavior Policy
If there is any physical aggression this will require an immediate break, also known as time-out. A break is given based on age, one minute per year of life. Once your child has been placed in a break the teacher will let your child know when they may get up. When your child’s break is over, a staff member will ask them if they know why they needed to take a break, what they could have done instead of using physical aggression (hitting, kicking, pushing, etc.) and then what they need to do now (apologize to the other child). You will be notified if your child has a break at the end of the day unless it is necessary to notify you via text or a call during the school day. In addition, you may receive an incident report regarding what happened. If there is a behavior problem that persists for more than a couple of days, we will discuss this issue with the parent. If the behavior problem continues to be a problem within the classroom, we will discuss what actions need to be made which will include contacting the child’s pediatrician and the recommendation of therapeutic services (child psychologist/behavioral specialist). The goal at Countryside is to keep the child in their classroom, as long as it is safe for them and others. Staff will work alongside specialists to create a positive behavior support plan for the child to remain in care. Last resort would be the decision between the parents and director to find alternative care if that is what is best for the child and classroom environment. This policy complies with federal and state civil rights laws.

Birthday Policy
We encourage parents to bring in a birthday snack on your child’s birthday so that we can help them celebrate their big day. We may ONLY accept items that are store bought or purchased at a bakery. Please let your child’s teacher know if you will bring in a treat for their birthday. If you wish to send a treat for the class on your child’s birthday, please send fruit or fruit kabobs, vegetables, cheese and crackers, cookies, or something that is easy for the children to handle. Please do not send cake or cupcakes. Again, everything must be store bought (no homemade items can be accepted).

If your child is enrolled in our Preschool/Kindergarten Program, you will receive a note requesting photos and anecdotal information about your child to help us celebrate his or her birthday.

Car Safety Policy
There will be absolutely no toleration for cars left unattended with the engine running or keys left in the ignition. If your car is left unattended with the keys in the ignition, the administrator or any staff member have the right to remove the keys and take them to the office. For the sake of all the children at Countryside please uphold this policy. We understand parents may be in a hurry in the morning; however, it only takes a few seconds to remove your keys from the ignition. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN UNATTENDED IN YOUR CAR. PLEASE BRING ALL CHILDREN INTO THE CLASSROOM, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE OLDER CHILDREN ALONE IN ANY AREA OF COUNTRYSIDE. If you have extenuating circumstances and you must leave a child in the car, please speak to the staff about meeting you at the
door. Please do not enter our building with a child left unattended in your car. In general, please do not leave your car idling in the parking lot.

Classroom Observation Policy
Countryside has an open-door policy. Parents are welcome to observe their child’s class in session. You are welcome to visit any time, but we would appreciate you making an appointment by writing a note to the teacher or calling the school. We try not to schedule more than one observer per class session. Please stop by the office when you are finished to discuss your observation with Mrs. Hanser. Also, remember children will act differently when there is an observer in the room. If you observe your child and they seem to misbehave or act silly please discuss this with the classroom teacher, generally it is because they are feeling awkward with having their parent in the room.

Clothing Policy
Help your children help themselves. Look at clothes from their point of view. Can they manage to get them on and off easily in the bathroom themselves? Also, all outer clothing, sweaters, jackets, coats, hats, caps, mittens, gloves, and boots should be labeled with your child’s name. If your child is missing a jacket, please contact a teacher as soon as possible! The longer an item is missing the harder it is to find. Children enrolled in the Mom’s Day Out Program should have a change of clothes left at school.

Children enrolled in the Toddler Class need a change of clothes and pair of shoes that will be left at school. Please label all items with your child’s name (shirt, pants, underpants and socks). When a change of clothing is worn home, please replace it with a fresh change the next day. Again, each article of clothing should be labeled with the child’s name.

Children enrolled in the Preschool Class need to have a change of clothes and extra set of shoes that will be placed in their bin in the classroom.

Communication Policy
Please communicate to us what we need to know about your child. Please send a text or note to the teacher or call the office to inform us if there is something we should be aware of about your child. If there is a parent out of town, a separation or death in the family it is important for your child’s teacher to be aware of any unusual circumstances so that we may better care for your child. Countryside encourages parents to regularly contribute to the decisions about their child’s goals and to help plan activities within the classroom environment. Countryside will communicate with parents via text, phone calls or the Brightwheel app.

Confidentiality Policy
Confidentiality is very important within our school. Children’s records, screenings/evaluations and incident reports are kept confidential and are not shared with anyone other than the custodial parent(s) or classroom staff unless written authorization has been given by the parents. Written authorization is required, along with a list of the specific records that are allowed to be shared with said individuals/agencies.

Conflict Resolution
If a conflict arises between a parent and staff member, we ask the parent (or staff member) to contact the director to discuss the conflict. The director will investigate the situation, have conversations with all involved in order to rectify the situation. If necessary, a meeting between all parties will take place in a more formal setting so that both parties can discuss the situation in a neutral environment.

Custody Policy
Countryside legally must release a child to either biological parent. If there is a custody issue, we must have a court order stating the custody arrangements. If a parent does not give Countryside proper documentation stating the custody arrangement Countryside legally has to release the child to the biological parent. If we have proper documentation stating the custody arrangement, we will contact the authorities if an unauthorized parent/person tries to take the child from our care.

Developmental Delays
Countryside is not equipped and staff are not trained to help children with all developmental delays. If your child has a developmental delay, staff will do their best to accommodate their needs. However, if their needs are beyond our training and available resources, we will help you find care that will better meet the needs of your child and family.

Discipline Policy
The Countryside staff does not use any type of corporal punishment. Food or outdoor play is never taken away due to behavioral incidents. However, if there is a behavioral incident while outside on the playground that requires a time-out the child will sit during the designated amount of time while on the playground (one minute per year of life).

Emergency School Closing/Extreme Weather Policy
In the event of snow and ice storms, please watch KSDK (Ch. 5), KTVI (Ch. 2), or KMOV (Ch.4). I believe several of these stations also have the school closings posted on their websites. There are times when Countryside will follow the Parkway School District when it comes to closing due to inclement weather. However, this is not always the case. Therefore, we do recommend calling the school or looking for Countryside Montessori on the school closing list on Channels 2, 4 and 5. We generally have a message on the school phone. Also, we will have a phone message system that will call at 6 a.m. to let you know if the school is closed.

Evacuation / Relocation
If the emergency is confined to the immediate area at Countryside Montessori School, e.g. fire, and the children cannot stay on the premises, the children will be taken to taken Care and Counseling Center located at 12141 Ladue Road (314-878-4340). The children and staff will remain at this location while you or your emergency contact is notified of the situation. An alternate walking location is Parkway Northeast Middle School located at 181 Coeur De Ville (314-415-7100).

If the emergency is more widespread and encompasses a larger area such as the neighborhood due to an environmental threat, e.g., flood, and the children cannot remain in the immediate area, they will be transported to Mercy Hospital, located at 615 North New Ballas Road (314-251-6000). The children and staff will remain at this location while you or your emergency contact is notified of the situation.

If you have any questions regarding our Emergency Care Plan, please contact the office.

Extended Absence Policy
If your child is absent from our program for an extended period of time you are responsible for paying the monthly tuition to hold their space in our program. It is at your own discretion to remove your child from our program for the time you are away. If there is a waiting list or another family takes your child’s place on the roster you will then be placed on the waiting list when you decide to return your child to our program.

Field Trip Policy
Countryside hosts at least three field trips per school year. Countryside does not transport children to and from the field trips. Parents will need to make arrangements for their children to attend the field trip. The staff will not be responsible for children during the field trip. It is the parents’ responsibility to supervise their children while on a field trip. Only children enrolled in the Extended Day Program will be able to remain at Countryside on field trip days.

Health Practices
Countryside follows best practices when it comes to a healthy environment. Please send only non-aerosol sunscreen and bug spray. Aerosols are known to be harmful to the environment and the air we breathe due to the chemicals contained in the aerosol. Countryside does not use aerosol air fresheners or cleaning products. All fresh fruits and vegetables are rinsed prior to preparation for meals.

Each classroom at Countryside contains one or more air purifiers. Air purifiers are the best way to clean your air indoors, which can be polluted and full of triggering particles like pollen and dust. They also help maintain a healthy environment by removing additional harmful contaminants in the air.

Classroom toys, shelves, works and frequently touched surfaces are sanitized throughout the day. Cots are sanitized daily. Floors are swept and mopped daily. Bathrooms are cleaned daily.

Health Record Policy
The Department of Health-Child Care Licensing Division requires that every child have a copy of their up to date immunization record on file in the office BEFORE their first day of attendance. They must also have a Child Medical Form or School/Camp form signed by their pediatrician stating any medical concerns. If we need any forms, records, etc. we will send a note home with your child requesting the information along with a deadline. Please return the information requested by the deadline. From time to time there may be a state mandated deadline, if you do not return the forms by the stated deadline your child may not be able to attend school until the forms or records are received.

Holiday Policy
Our school calendar lists the holidays in which Countryside will be closed. Tuition credit is not given for holidays.

Hours of Operation
Countryside is open from 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Mom’s Day Out 8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Infant/Toddler Programs: Full Day 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. or Extended Day 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Preschool/Kindergarten/Toddler Programs
Morning Class 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Full Day Class 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Extended Day Class 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Illness Policy
For the sake of your child, the other children and teachers in the class, sick children, including those with a fever, and those showing symptoms of a contagious illness should not be sent to school. As recommended in the Center for Disease Control Communicable Disease Manual, a child with more than one episode of diarrhea or vomiting must be symptom free, without the aid of medication, for 24 hours before returning to school. In regards to fever, a child with a temperature of 100 degrees or more under the arm must be fever free, without the aid of medication, for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child wakes with a fever they should not be at school that day or the following day. Therefore, if your child is sent home on Tuesday (or they wake with a fever on Tuesday) they may not return to school until Thursday provided, they have been symptom free for 24 hours. We encourage you to follow the general policy of having your child wash his/her hands before eating. At Countryside we insist that children wash their hands before eating snacks or preparing any food. This is held by the medical experts to be the best way of preventing and avoiding illness.

We understand the pediatricians state a fever is 100.4 or above; however, DESE still uses 100 degrees so this is what we are required to use to determine if a child has a fever.

We understand that children get sick, however, they are not able to attend when they have a fever, severe cough, vomiting or diarrhea. PLEASE remember that the most contagious time for a cold is the first few days. Please do not bring your child to school, if they develop cold or flu symptoms, for at least the first two days of a new cold. We also ask that you keep your child home for the first three days of a new cough. We are aware that a cough can last 3-4 weeks; however, the first few days of a cough are the most contagious.

There is no tuition credit for missed days due to illness.

In addition, children with an excessive runny nose, those who need their nose wiped more than six times in a thirty-minute period, will not be able to remain in care. IF your child has a runny nose due to allergies, please seek advice from their pediatrician for a remedy. When a staff member cannot wipe the child’s nose in time, the child often wipes their nose with their hand and arm and then continues to play and spreads their germs to others. If your child has seasonal allergies please have their doctor write this on their Child Medical Form or send a letter to the school.

Countryside Illness Policy
In order to return to school after an illness:
• children must be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
• at least three days since onset of a persistent new cough
• runny nose has significantly improved and does not need to be wiped often
• at least 24 hours free from diarrhea and/or vomiting without the aid of medication
• If a child wakes with a fever they will not be able to attend school the following day even if fever breaks that day

If your child has any of the following, they will need a negative COVID test to return to care:
• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea

When a child develops any of the above symptoms it is your choice to test on day one of symptoms. Once symptoms resolve, and your child is well enough to return to care, Countryside will require a COVID test be performed that morning before arrival. If your child tests positive, they will remain out of care for ten days from symptom onset. If the test is negative, they may return that day.
Any child with a POSITIVE COVID test will remain out of care for ten days from symptom onset.

Any child with direct exposure to COVID, who shows any of the above symptoms within ten days from last exposure, are required to remain out of care and be tested on day five after symptom onset. If COVID test is negative, they can return to care. If positive, they will remain out of care for ten days from onset of symptoms.

Any child with direct exposure to COVID has the ability to become infected with COVID for ten days AFTER the initial exposure has ended. This means if a parent or sibling have COVID they are contagious for ten days. The child then has up to ten additional days in which they can become positive. If during this ten-day period, a child develops symptoms they will be required to remain out of care and be tested on day five after symptom onset. If COVID test is negative, they can return to care. If positive, they will remain out of care for ten days from onset of symptoms.

As of August 11, 2022, the CDC states: People who test positive for COVID who are not able to wear a well-fitting mask or respirator should isolate for 10 full days. After having a mask policy at Countryside, it has been determined that children age six and under are unable to properly wear a well-fitting mask during the entire school day; Therefore, if your child tests positive for COVID they will remain out of care for ten days from onset of symptoms.

Your child will need a doctor’s note to return to care for any of the following:
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Yellowish skin or eyes
• unusual spots or rash
• pink-eye—tears, redness of eyelid lining, irritation, followed by swelling or discharge of pus
• Sore throat or trouble swallowing
• An infected skin patch(es)—crusty, bright yellow, dry or gummy areas of the skin
• Unusually dark, tea-colored urine
• Grey or white stool

Children may be excluded if their cough is severe, causes their face to become red, their cough is strong enough that they gag or they have a very persistent cough. We will not administer cough medication to a child in our care. If they need cough medication, they should remain at home.

As a reminder, children with an excessive runny nose, those who need their nose wiped more than six times in
a thirty-minute period, will not be able to remain in care.
Thank you all for your cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience these rules may cause as we try to
keep Countryside a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

The following was taken from Title 19—DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SENIOR SERVICES Division 30—Division of Regulation and Licensure Chapter 62—Licensing Rules for Group Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers
19 CSR 30-62.010

PURPOSE: This rule defines the terms used in the licensing rules for group day care homes and child day care centers.
(1) Adult is any individual eighteen (18) years of age or older.
(2) Caregiver is the child care provider or other child care staff. (Also known as an employee of Countryside Montessori School)
(3) Child care provider, group day care home provider or provider is the person(s) licensed or required to be licensed under section 210.211, RSMo in order to establish, conduct or maintain a child care facility. (By this definition the provider is considered Countryside Montessori School) This person(s) shall have the following rights and responsibilities as determined by the division: (A) Ultimate responsibility for making and implementing decisions regarding the operation of the facility; and (B) Ultimate financial control of the operation of the facility.
19 CSR 30-62.192 Health Care
PURPOSE: This rule sets forth the requirements for reporting communicable diseases, caring for a child when ill, medication,
emergency care and handwashing.
(1) General Requirements. The provider shall report to the local health department if any child in the facility is suspected of having a reportable disease as defined by section 210.003, RSMo. In the event of an outbreak of communicable disease in the facility, caregivers shall implement control measures recommended by a local state health authority as required by the department.
(2) The Ill Child.
(A) Each child shall be observed for contagious diseases and for other signs of illness on arrival and throughout the day.
(B) Each child’s parent(s) shall be notified immediately when any contagious disease occurs in the facility.
(C) Unusual behavior shall be monitored closely and parent(s) shall be contacted if the behavior continues or if other symptoms develop.
These behaviors include, but shall not be limited to:
1. Is cranky or less active than usual; 2. Cries more than usual; 3. Feels general discomfort or seems unwell; or 4. Has loss of appetite.
(D) The parent(s) or his/her designee shall be contacted when signs of illness are observed. Unless determined otherwise by the parent(s) or provider (Countryside Montessori School), a child with no more than one (1) of the following symptoms may remain in care:
1. A child with a temperature of up to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F) by mouth or ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit (99°F) under the arm; 2. After an illness has been evaluated by a physician, medication has been prescribed and any period of contagion has passed as determined by a licensed physician; 3. When it has been determined that a child has a common cold unless the director and the parent(s) agree that isolation precautions should be taken; 4. When a child has vomited once with no further vomiting episodes, other symptoms, or both; or 5. When a child has experienced loose stools only one (1) time with no further problems or symptoms.
(E) If children exhibit any of the following symptoms, they must be sent home: 1. Diarrhea—more than one (1) abnormally loose stool. If a child has one (1) loose stool, s/he shall be observed for additional loose stools or other symptoms; 2. Severe coughing—if the child gets red or blue in the face or makes high-pitched croupy or whooping sounds after coughing; 3. Difficult or rapid breathing (especially important in infants under six (6) months); 4. Yellowish skin or eyes; 5. Pinkeye—tears, redness of eyelid lining, irritation, followed by swelling or discharge of pus; 6. Unusual spots or rashes; 7. Sore throat or trouble swallowing; 8. An infected skin patch(es)—crusty, bright yellow, dry or gummy areas of the skin; 9. Unusually dark, tea-colored urine; 10. Grey or white stool; 11. Fever over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F) by mouth or ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit (99°F) under the arm; 12. Headache and stiff neck; 13. Vomiting more than once; 14. Severe itching of the body or scalp or scratching of the scalp. These may be symptoms of lice or scabies.

According to the Dept of Health, Countryside has the right to implement additional rules and policies regarding illness and the general care of children.

Immunization Policy
Countryside requires that all children be immunized. Children may be on a delayed schedule with proper documentation from the child’s pediatrician stating the schedule. If a child is on a delayed schedule and a communicable disease arises in the center, the under immunized child will be excluded from care.

Item’s From Home Policy Your child is welcome to bring an item from home for rest time. We ask that this be a small stuffed animal or similar item. We discourage children brining toys from home as they may get lost, misplaced or broken. When a child brings an item from home we encourage them to keep it in their cubby or backpack. When they carry an item with them and put it down in the classroom another child may pick up the item. If another child picks up the item and breaks the item Countryside will not be responsible for replacing the item. Please be advised that it is best that children do not bring items from home. If your child would like to bring a special blanket or stuffed toy for nap time, these items will be kept in your child’s naptime cubby.

Late Pick-Up Policy
If your child is not picked up on time (11:30, 12:15/12:30, 3:30, 5:30) there will be one-dollar charge for every minute you are late. Late fees are paid directly to the staff member not to Countryside.
Make-Up Policy There are no make-up days for missed days.

Mandated Reporting Policy
The Missouri Child Abuse/Neglect law mandates certain professions (mandated reporters), to make a report to the Missouri Division of Social Services when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or may be subjected to abuse or neglect. These mandated reporters include all persons who work directly with children; therefore, the director and all staff at Countryside are mandated to report such suspicions to the Missouri Division of Social Services. IF a staff member is suspected of abuse or neglect, the staff member will be removed from the classroom during the investigation period and will only return to the classroom if it is found that they are not a threat to a child or staff member. The rights of the child, parents and staff member shall be respected.

Material Fee
In Lieu of fundraising there is an annual material fee of $150.00 due each year by August 1st. The Re-Enrollment deposit of $150 that is collected in January will be applied to the Material Fee.

Meals & Snacks Policy and Milk Substitution
Countryside will provide snack for all children enrolled in our programs. Snack is always a fruit, vegetable or cheese along with crackers, a cookie or cereal. Countryside will provide lunch for all children enrolled in the Full Day or Extended Day Programs. Lunch always includes a fruit, vegetable, protein and starch and milk (one year old’s are served whole milk and ages two and over are served 1% milk).

Countryside will accommodate food allergies and dietary restrictions. Parents must notify Countryside in writing of such restrictions and the pediatrician must complete the Individual Plan for Specialized Care form for all food restrictions or substitutes. Any milk substitute must be brought to school in the original container. If not consumed by the recommended use by date (this date is determined by the date the product was opened plus the recommended amount of days the item should be consumed by) staff can send any remaining milk substitute home.

Countryside provides Gerber and Beech Nut baby food for all infants once we are given parental permission. Parents will be notified via the Brightwheel app regarding infant feedings as well as meals for a child with a specific feeding schedule that must be monitored.

Medical Emergencies Policy
If a medical emergency arises while your child is in our care, we will notify the parents immediately after we have called for medical assistance. If your child must be taken to the hospital the administrator or other staff member will escort your child in the ambulance. If we are unable to reach either parent, we will notify the emergency contact listed on your child’s enrollment form.

Medication Policy
All medications must be in the original container with your child’s name on the pharmacy label/bottle. An Action Plan signed and dated by the child’s doctor MUST accompany all allergy medications. All over the counter medications require a medication authorization form signed by the parent. Staff will fill out the form each time they administer medication. Medications are kept out of reach of children in a secured container. Unless prescribed by a doctor, Countryside will not administer cough medication (written instructions to Countryside by the child’s pediatrician is required).

Mom’s Day Out/Infant-Toddler Programs
Parents are responsible for bringing diapers, wipes, a change of clothes as well as anything your child will need while at Countryside. Parents must supply bottles for children less than twelve months only. Once your child is in the One-Year-Old Room you will not need to provide a sippy cup. If your child is drinking something other than whole milk you will need to provide that as well and the milk substitute must be written on your child’s Specialized Care Form. Please follow the guidelines regarding our sick policy.

Children in our Mom’s Day Out/Infant-Toddler programs tend to place toys into their mouths and the spread of germs is greater. The staff washes all mouthed toys daily; however, we do not want to spread germs from sick children attending our program.

Parents please do not walk on the mats/floor inside the classroom with your outside shoes. The children crawl around on the mats and we do not want unwanted dirt and germs on the floor. Please remove your shoes if you must walk to other areas in the classroom. Mom’s Day Out (8:15-12:15 program) will attend Field Trips, there will not be care offered to half day children on field trip days.

Children entering into the one-year-old program must be mobile, no longer taking a morning nap, able to feed themselves table food, no longer taking bottles during the school day. Countryside is unable to provide 1:1 care for children who are not yet independent with feeding and drinking from a sippy cup.

Nap/Rest Policy
All children enrolled in the Full Day or Extended Day Programs are required, by the State of Missouri Department of Child Care, to rest on a cot for 30 minutes. If after 30 minutes they have not fallen asleep they may get off their cot and work quietly in the classroom. Children enrolled in the Toddler Program are encouraged to fall asleep. A staff member will help your child fall asleep by rubbing their back or other comforting techniques. Our staff plays relaxing music during nap time in order to help your child relax. If your child falls asleep they will not be disturbed until naptime is over. If your child is in our Preschool/Kindergarten Classroom and they fall asleep they will not be disturbed unless directed by the parent.

Open Door Policy
Countryside has an open-door policy. However, during drop-off we have found that it is best to say your good-byes at the door. Countryside welcomes parents into their child’s classroom at any time throughout the day. Parents are welcome to pop in and see their child at any time. Please keep in mind that some children do not do well with pop in visits and may expect to go home with you when you leave.

Outside Play Policy
Children will be taken outside to play as long as the weather permits. Please make sure your child has a hat as well as mittens or gloves that can be kept at Countryside. Countryside follows the following guidelines set by Children’s Hospital.

32 degrees to 90 degrees-children can stay outside for an unlimited amount of time.
20 degrees to 32 degrees-children can stay outside for 10-15 minutes.
10 degrees to 20 degrees-children can stay outside for 5 minutes. (we will not go outside)
10 degrees or below-children should not play outside.
**These temperatures include wind chill**

Paperwork Policy
he Department of Health and Child Care requires that every child have an updated immunization record on file in the office before their first day of attendance. If we need updated forms, records, etc. we will send a note home with your child requesting the information along with a deadline. Please return the information requested by the deadline. From time to time there may be a state mandated deadline, if you do not return the forms by the stated deadline your child may not be able to attend school until the forms or records are received.
Parent Events As indicated on the school calendar, there are a number of events scheduled during the year for parents. These events include our Open House, Mother’s Night, Father’s Night, The Family Picnic and our fieldtrips. If you are unable to attend, PLEASE send another adult to be with your child! Young children do not understand why their parent is not there when everyone else has an adult there to watch them work. Please mark your calendars so that you do not miss one of these events.

Parent Involvement Policy
We encourage parents to get involved at Countryside. In our Preschool/Kindergarten Program there are many ways to get involved. Parents are welcome to assist with art projects, gardening, and also reading to the children. All volunteers must have a background check prior to helping out in the classroom. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact the office for a Background Screening Form.

Parent Resource Area
A parent resource area is located in the main building on the front porch. This area includes parenting and developmental books, educational catalogs, resources for developmental therapy, mental health resources as well as additional resources that may benefit you or your child. There is also a binder that contains information about public and private schools in the surrounding areas.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
The school calendar lists two conferences between the teacher and parents of each child enrolled in our Preschool/Kindergarten Programs. The first conference will be held in November, and the second in March. If you wish to have an additional conference, please send a note to the teacher.

Peanut/Nut Policy
Countryside is a peanut/nut free facility. Countryside does not allow any type of peanut or nut into the building. We would like to keep all children safe while they are in our care. Please do not send any type of peanuts/nuts to school with your child. If you send any type of peanut or nut items our staff will not serve them to your child even though they themselves do not have an allergy.

Photo Policy
Countryside will take photos of activities throughout the school year. Countryside may use these photos for activities within the school. Student photos will not be accompanied by their name if used for marketing purposes.

Playground Policy
Once a child has been dismissed from the care of the staff, Countryside will not be responsible for children playing on the playground. You are welcome to use the playground at the end of the school day, however, please make sure you are supervising your child. You agree to hold harmless Twintrips, Inc DBA Countryside Montessori School if an accident should occur once your child has been released from our care. Please make sure the gate is closed at all times. Also, please supervise your child near the pony area. The children are not allowed to stand or climb on the fence or to throw anything into the pony area. Please be careful if you are feeding carrots to the ponies. The children are not allowed to hand feed the ponies during school hours.

Policy Revision Policy
When the Department of Child Care, Accreditation or other governing agency notifies Countryside of a new policy or law the change will be implemented immediately which may not allow time for prior notice. Countryside will notify families within 48 hours of such change. Any policy that is put into effect for Countryside will be given a minimum 48-hour notice.

Pony Ride Policy
Countryside offers pony rides as part our curriculum. Even though we have never had a pony related accident our insurance carrier requires certain wording to be included in our policies. Children at Countryside sit on the pony bench while waiting their turn. For children under the age of four years old a staff member will walk next to the pony while holding onto the waist of the child while the pony is led by a lead rope. All children will be taught how to mount and dismount the pony. All children will sit on the saddle and hold onto the saddle horn while riding. The pony riding and the handling of ponies can be a dangerous activity which can result in injury. I understand, from this date on, hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Countryside Montessori School, twintripsing, LLC, twintrips, inc, and/or their employees or volunteers, from any and all claims, actions, suits, and/or damages that may occur as a result of any injuries sustained while taking pony rides, handling, or being near the ponies on the property of Countryside Montessori School. This shall include losses, damages, costs, and counsel fees that may occur as a result of injury, and related claims by any parties. I understand that risks are involved in riding, handling, or being near ponies, and by signing this agreement I take full responsibility in the event of any injury. I have read this release, waiver and indemnity agreement, understand the risks involved and agree to assume them. I sign this agreement voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.

Protective Headgear Offering
Countryside will provide newly enrolled children an SEI certified ASTM standard F 1163 Equestrian helmet. Children are required to wear an approved helmet while mounting, riding, dismounting and otherwise being around ponies. The use of this helmet may prevent or reduce severity of some of the wearer’s head injuries and possibly prevent the wearer’s death from happening as the result of a fall and other occurrences.

Release of Children Policy
At dismissal time, children are released only to the adults specified on the enrollment form. If an exception needs to be made, please send a note or text message to the teacher who will dismiss your child. We will not release a child without the proper authorization. If the person picking up your child is not listed on their enrollment form, the parent must send a signed note stating who may pick up their child. Countryside has the right to not release the child if proper notification has not been received. Please inform the person picking up your child that they will be asked to show proper identification. Children will not be released to any individual appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Reunification/Emergency Plan
In the event of an emergency situation Countryside Montessori School has outlined the below response plan. Please know that Countryside will make every attempt to notify you so it is vital that you keep your emergency contact information up-to-date. Keep the information in this letter with you so that you will know how to contact us in the event of an emergency.

Evacuation/Relocation-If the emergency is confined to the immediate area at Countryside Montessori School, e.g. fire, and the children cannot stay on the premises, the children will be taken to the Care and Counseling Center located at 12141 Ladue Road (314-878-4340). The children and staff will remain at this location while you or your emergency contact is notified of the situation. An alternate location is Parkway Northeast Middle School located at 181 Coeur De Ville (314-415-7100). Younger children will be taken in cribs and strollers while older children will use the ropes with hand loops. The police will be notified and if time warrants, the road blocked while we cross over Ladue Road to the Care and Counseling Center. In addition, the Care and Counseling Center will send available staff to assist us in taking the children to their location.

If the emergency is more wide-spread and encompasses a larger area such as the neighborhood due to an environmental threat and the children cannot remain in the immediate area, they will be transported to Mercy Hospital, located at 615 North New Ballas Road (314-251-6000). The children and staff will remain at this location while you or your emergency contact is notified of the situation.

Staff will take the emergency backpacks that contain the first aid kit as well as the larger backpacks that contain the baby formula, bottles and diapers so that the children will have necessary supplies until parents can pick up their child.

Parent or guardian will be required to have a photo ID and sign out their child on the Emergency Dismissal Form.

Safe Sleep Practices
1. Infants will always be placed on their backs to sleep. When, in the opinion of the infant’s licensed health care provider, an infant requires alternative sleep positions or special sleeping arrangements, the provider must have on file at the facility written instructions, signed by the infant’s licensed health care provider, detailing the alternative sleep positions or special sleeping arrangements. Caregivers will put the infant to sleep as specified in the written instructions.
2. When infants can easily turn from their stomachs to their backs and from their backs to their stomachs, they shall be initially placed on their backs, but shall be allowed to adopt whatever positions they prefer for sleep.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants are placed on their back to sleep, but when infants can easily turn over from their back to their stomach, they may adopt whatever position they prefer for sleep. We will follow this recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
3. Sleeping infants shall have a supervised nap period. The caregiver shall check on the infant frequently during napping or sleeping and shall remain in close proximity to the infant in order to hear and see them if they have difficulty during napping or when they awaken.
4. Steps will be taken to keep infants from overheating by regulating the room temperature, avoiding excess bedding, and not over-dressing or over-wrapping the infant. Infants should be dressed appropriately for the environment, with no more than one (1) layer more than an adult would wear to be comfortable in that environment.
5. All caregivers will receive in-person or online training on infant safe sleep based on AAP safe sleep recommendations. This training must be completed within 30 days of employment or volunteering and will be completed every three years.

Safe Sleep Environment
1. Room temperature will be kept at no less than 68°F and no more than 85°F when measured two feet from the floor. Infants are supervised to ensure they are not overheated or chilled.
2. Infants’ heads and face will not be covered during sleep. Infants’ cribs will not have blankets or bedding hanging on the slides of the crib. We may use sleep clothing (i.e. swaddle, sleep sack, sleepers) that is designed to keep an infant
warm without the possible hazard of covering the head or face during sleep/nap time. Countryside MAY NOT use the Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit as it has been known to overheat infants and is a licensing violation.
3. No blankets, loose bedding, comforters, pillows, bumper pads, or any object that can increase the risk of entrapment, suffocation or strangulation will be used in cribs.
4. Toys and stuffed animals will be removed from the crib when the infant is sleeping. When indicated on the Infant and Toddler Feeding and Care Plan or with written parent consent, pacifiers will be allowed in infants’ cribs while they sleep. The pacifier cannot have cords or attaching mechanisms.
5. Only an individually assigned safety-approved crib, portable crib, or playpen with a firm mattress and tight-fitting sheet will be used for infant napping or sleeping.
6. Only one infant may occupy a crib or playpen at one time.
7. Sitting devices such as car safety seats, strollers, swings, infant carriers, infant slings, and other sitting devices will not be used for sleep/nap time. Infants who fall asleep anywhere other than a crib, portable crib, or playpen must be placed in the crib or playpen for the remainder of their sleep or nap time.
8. No person shall smoke or otherwise use tobacco products in any area of the child care facility during the period of time when children cared for under the license are present.
9. Home monitors or commercial devices marketed to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) shall not be used in place of supervision while children are napping and sleeping.
10. All parents/guardians of infants shall be informed of the facility’s written Safe Sleep Policy at enrollment.
11. To promote healthy development, infants who are awake will be given supervised “tummy time” for exercise and for play.

The buildings are locked, anyone entering the building must have a code. Staff are discouraged to open the door to anyone they do not recognize. Countryside has closed circuit security cameras in each classroom, on the playground and outside of each entrance. The cameras record video and most record audio. The footage is used when we need to find out why or how something happened. The cameras are there to protect the children, staff and visitors.

Sick Day Policy
We understand that children get sick, however, they are not able to attend when they have a fever, severe cough, vomiting or diarrhea. PLEASE remember that the most contagious time for a cold is the first few days. Please do not bring your child to school, if they develop cold or flu symptoms, for at least the first two days of a new cold. We also ask that you keep your child home for the first three days of a new cough. We are aware that a cough can last 3-4 weeks; however, the first few days of a cough are the most contagious. There is no tuition credit for missed days due to illness.

Special Services
Program staff encourages and support families to make the primary decisions about the services that their children need, and we encourage families to advocate to obtain needed services. Special services could include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or any specific services that your child might need. If we feel your child would benefit from receiving special services, we will refer you to either First Steps (birth-age 36 months) or Special School District (ages over 3 years). We welcome therapists into our program in order to provide services to children in their educational environment. We will also accompany you and your child to IEP’s or other meetings to discuss any developmental concerns.

Substitute Teachers
When a teacher or assistant is ill or absent, another staff member will serve as the substitute teacher for that day. We will also use TLC, if necessary. All TLC substitutes have had a background check and are CPR and First Aid trained.

Supplies Policy
If your child requires diapers, pull-ups, wipes or another item that is kept at school you will be given a note when their supplies are running low. Please replace the supplies as soon as possible.

Swimming Pool
Countryside’s pool is four feet deep. There is a ladder at each end. Children enrolled in our Senior Camo Summer Program will have an hour of swim time each day. Countryside will supply Coast Guard Approved Puddle Jumpers. Parents are welcome to bring their own life saving device as long as it is coast guard approved. Parents will sign a waiver of liability for their child to participate in our swimming program.

Toilet Learning Policy
When your toddler is ready to begin toilet training you need to inform the staff of your child’s interest. You will need to discuss the method you use at home with our staff. If possible, we would prefer to use the same potty-training method you are using at home to keep the consistency and aid in the potty-training process. At Countryside we require your child to remain in diapers, pull-ups or quilted underwear AND vinyl cover until they begin to have success on the potty. We have the children use the toilet upon arrival and based on success will then encourage your child to use the toilet at least once an hour. If your child was not successful using the toilet upon arrival, we will encourage your child to use the toilet again in 30 minutes and then at least once every hour thereafter. Once your child has begun to have consistent success on the potty for an entire week, we will encourage your child to wear underpants to school. If after wearing underpants your child continues to have accidents, in some cases, we may ask that your child also wear vinyl pants. Due to sanitation rules, we are unable to start the potty-training process in the one year old classroom.

Tuition Policy
Tuition is due on the first day of each month. If payment is not received by the 7th of the month there will be a late charge of $10. Also, if your check is returned due to insufficient funds there will be a $25 charge. The tuition is the same each month no matter how many days your child is absent. Countryside does not distribute monthly invoices. Tuition receipts are available upon request.
The monthly tuition for children enrolled in our half day and full day programs does not include winter break or spring break; the tuition is calculated without those days and is broken down into 9 monthly payments. Tuition is the same amount each month from August through May with the exception of August being pro-rated for the mid-month beginning of our school year.

Children enrolled in our year-round Extended Day program will pay the same rate from August-July.

In order to hold a future spot on the roster, there is a 50% non-refundable deposit required within two weeks of being accepted and placed on the roster.

There are no refunds on paid tuition.

Tuition Discount Policy
There is a 10% discount for siblings enrolled in the Toddler or Preschool/Kindergarten programs. The discount is given on the lowest tuition amount. However, in order to keep the MDO rate affordable there is not a discount for siblings if one child is enrolled in the MDO half day program.

Vacation Policy If your family will be leaving the country or will be on vacation for an extended period of time you are still responsible for paying the monthly tuition in order to hold your child’s place on our roster. It is at your own discretion to remove your child from our program for the time you are away. If there is a waiting list or another family takes your child’s place on the roster you will then be placed on the waiting list when you decide to return your child to our program.

Weather Policy
The children at Countryside typically go outside everyday as long as the weather permits. When the weather is below 32 degrees children are required to have a hat/hood and mittens/gloves. It is best to leave these items at Countryside in your child’s bin or bag.
We follow the guidelines below that were submitted to us by Licensing and Children’ s Hospital:
10 degrees or below-children should not go outside.
10 degrees to 20 degrees-children can stay out for 5 minutes.
20 degrees to 32 degrees-children can stay outside for 10-15 minutes.
32 degrees to 90 degrees-children can stay outside for an unlimited amount of time.
90-100 degrees-children can go out with drinking water available
100-104 degrees-children can go out for 15 minutes-limit running and high-level play
105 degrees and above-children should NOT go outside after 11 a.m.
**These temperatures include windchill and heat index**

Withdrawal Procedure Policy
If a child must be withdrawn from school, the parents must inform the school administrator (not a teacher) by letter one month prior to the last day of the child’s attendance. If a child has been accepted for admission but has not yet attended and must be withdrawn, a written notification of withdrawal must be made to the administrator one month prior to the start of the program. Failure to provide one-month notification will result in tuition being charged for one month.



Please contact us for more information about our programs.


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